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Sunday, August 30, 2009

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"Overview: Upbeat bonds cast shadow over equities
By Neil Dennis
Published: August 28 2009 19:16 Last updated: August 28 2009 22:07
Economic data this week were more positive than observers had expected, but investors were divided over whether the path out of recession was straight and true, as government bond prices rallied alongside global equities.
There were no nasty surprises from growth data from the US and Germany, which confirmed it had emerged from recession in the second quarter. Meanwhile, UK numbers on Friday were revised to show the economy contracted by 0.7 per cent in the second quarter, not the 0.8 per cent estimated earlier in the month.
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So why, analysts asked, were bond prices rising, forcing yields lower, while equity markets continued to rise? Normally, an equity rally of the magnitude seen in recent weeks would drive bond yields sharply higher.
Riccardo Barbieri, at Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, said: “Central banks remain cautious about the outlook and are signalling continuing accommodation while paying lip service to ‘exit strategies’. This explains why both equities and bonds have performed well of late.”
Sean Maloney, at Nomura, suggested tha"